Exilis Skin Tightening in Encinitas & Carlsbad, CA

Exilis: Non-Invasive Skin Tightening and Body Contouring

Curious about non-invasive skin tightening and body contouring? Exilis may be your answer. This FDA-approved treatment uses radiofrequency and ultrasound to reduce fat and firm the skin without surgery. Exilis is a non-invasive skin tightening and fat reduction treatment that combines radiofrequency with ultrasound technology to enhance skin tone, texture, and body contours without surgical intervention.

The treatment is versatile and can be applied to various body parts including the face, neck, abdomen, arms, and thighs, with a typical session lasting 20-50 minutes and allowing for immediate return to daily activities. While some patients may experience mild redness and tenderness post-treatment, the recovery is minimal with no special care required, and optimal results are often seen after three to four sessions.

Harnessing RF and Ultrasound Technology

Exilis is a breakthrough treatment that utilizes a unique combination of radiofrequency and ultrasound energy to deliver skin tightening and fat reduction in a non-invasive way. This treatment is FDA-approved and clinically proven in various countries, making it a reliable choice for those looking to enhance their skin tone and texture, and contour their body. Exilis is designed to target small pockets of fatty tissue across different parts of the body while simultaneously tightening the overlying skin, enhancing body shape and firmness.

Whether you’re battling skin laxity or stubborn fat pockets, Exilis provides a solution that doesn’t require going under the knife. It’s a treatment that harnesses the power of technology to address common aesthetic concerns, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a non-invasive, yet highly effective skin tightening treatment.

Illustration of Exilis treatment areas for face and body

Photo of in-office Exilis treatment procedure

Non Invasive Fat Reduction & Skin Tightening

At the heart of this revolutionary treatment is BTL Exilis Ultra 360™, which utilizes a combination of monopolar radiofrequency and targeted ultrasound technology. The radiofrequency energy is a core component of Exilis Ultra 360™, stimulating collagen growth to enhance skin texture and reduce laxity and wrinkles over time.

Complementing the radiofrequency is the ultrasound technology, which promotes effects such as shrinking fat cells and further stimulating collagen production. By delivering heat energy through radiofrequency combined with ultrasound waves, Exilis Ultra™ causes fat cell lipolysis and collagen remodeling, resulting in firm and smooth skin.

This advanced technology ensures Exilis not only tightens loose skin but also helps to tighten skin and improve the overall skin texture, offering comprehensive aesthetic results.

Quick Treatment, Minimal Downtime & Lasting Results

One of the key advantages of Exilis is the completely non-invasive experience it provides. The treatment emphasizes patient comfort and efficiency, allowing you to achieve your aesthetic goals without the discomfort and downtime associated with invasive procedures. This makes it suitable for virtually any area on the body.

A significant advantage of choosing Exilis is the treatment’s speed and convenience. Treatment sessions typically last 20 to 50 minutes, with clients able to resume daily activities immediately afterward. Furthermore, Exilis treatments offer the benefit of dual action by shrinking fat cells and stimulating collagen production, contributing to firmer skin and effective body contouring. With Exilis, you’re not just getting a skin tightening treatment; you’re investing in a comprehensive solution that enhances both your skin and body contours.

image of skin tightening results

man getting skin tightening rf ultrasound facial

Beneath the Surface: The Science Behind Exilis Skin Rejuvenation

Exilis is a monopolar radiofrequency device that uses electrical energy to warm the skin, which promotes collagen growth and reduces unwanted fat. Deep within the skin, Exilis stimulates collagen production without causing any damage to the skin’s surface. This means that while you’re experiencing little to no discomfort during the procedure, beneath the surface, Exilis is hard at work, encouraging your skin to rejuvenate and refresh itself.

Through the use of radiofrequency waves, Exilis encourages fat cells to release their triglyceride contents, which are then processed by the body’s natural pathways. The Exilis device is equipped with an internal thermometer for controlled heating, which maintains optimal temperatures for immediate skin tightening and fat breakdown without harming surrounding tissues. For added safety, Exilis treatments utilize a grounding pad to ensure the safe dispersal of the radiofrequency energy. With Exilis, safety and efficacy go hand in hand, ensuring you get the best possible results without compromising your wellbeing.

From Face to Flanks: Exilis's RF + Ultrasound Complete Range of Treatment Areas

Exilis is not just a one-trick pony. This FDA-cleared treatment is capable of toning and firming multiple areas of the body, showing its versatility and adaptability. Exilis can target and treat a variety of areas, including:

  • Face

  • Neck

  • Jowls

  • Abdomen

  • Flanks

  • Arms

  • Thighs

  • Under the chin

  • Bra area

  • Knees

  • Love handles

Even hard-to-reach areas fall within Exilis’s comprehensive range of treatment areas.

Regardless of your area of concern, Exilis has you covered.

Facial Skin Tightening

Exilis offers targeted benefits for facial skin tightening with specific facial area settings, particularly effective around the jawline, eyelids, and brows. The Exilis Elite 360 variant is tailored for the face, treating wrinkles and loose skin without surgical interventions. This means that you can achieve a naturally youthful look without the fear of going under the knife.

The technology behind Exilis Ultra stimulates collagen production, thereby improving facial skin laxity, structure, and texture. So, whether it’s the skin around your eyes that’s beginning to show signs of aging or your neck that’s losing its firmness, Exilis brings about a noticeable change. The best part? Post-treatment, clients can expect to see visible improvements immediately, with progressive results over subsequent months.

Body Contouring

Beyond facial tightening, Exilis Ultra™ is used for body contouring, combining skin tightening and non-invasive fat removal using radiofrequency technology. The treatment targets fat reduction in areas including:

  • abdomen

  • love handles

  • back

  • thighs

  • knees

  • arms

  • neck

This makes Exilis an excellent choice for those looking to refine their body contours without resorting to invasive procedures.

Exilis Elite’s radiofrequency technology reaches deep into the skin’s layers, causing fat cells to shrink and the skin’s collagen network to remodel. This means that with every treatment, your body is gradually moving closer to your desired shape. While some results may be seen after one to two treatments, optimal outcomes are typically visible after three to six months, post the third or fourth treatment. With Exilis, patience truly is a virtue, and your patience is rewarded with stunning results that last.

Exilis Treatment Process and Recovery

A key highlight of Exilis treatments is the ease of the process and recovery. From in-office aesthetic procedures that prioritize patient comfort and safety to a recovery period that requires minimal downtime, the Exilis treatment experience is designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Exilis treatments utilize radiofrequency and ultrasound technology to deliver controlled heating and cooling, ensuring the effectiveness of the treatment and patient safety.

In-Office Procedure

Exilis treatment sessions are designed to ensure maximum comfort. During the treatment:

  • The skin is warmed up to 42 to 44 degrees Celsius to stimulate collagen growth and reduce fat

  • The device ensures targeted delivery of radiofrequency energy to the skin’s deeper layers

  • The treatment reaches the deep layers of the skin without causing surface damage, making it a comfortable experience.

Furthermore, the Exilis device offers several benefits:

  • It is equipped with a built-in energy flow control system that provides real-time feedback, ensuring consistent energy delivery.

  • Patients often report Exilis as much more comfortable than other treatments.

  • The procedure typically takes under an hour, reducing discomfort associated with longer procedures.

All these factors contribute to making Exilis a preferred choice for patients seeking effective, non-invasive skin tightening non invasive treatment options.

Treatment Timeline

For optimal results, a series of four to six sessions is suggested with each Exilis session spaced about one to two weeks apart for effective treatment progression. The number of sessions largely depends on the individual’s skin concerns and targeted goals of skin tightening, fat reduction, or a combination of both. For facial treatments, generally two to three sessions are required while for body contouring, three to five sessions are typically recommended for optimal outcomes.

The progressive nature of the treatment timeline ensures that optimal results are usually achieved after the third or fourth session, demonstrating the treatment’s efficacy. Maintenance sessions after the initial series of Exilis treatments may be recommended every six months to maintain results. With a carefully planned treatment timeline, Exilis ensures you get the best possible results in a safe and efficient manner.

Post-Treatment Recovery

Exilis treatments come with minimal post-treatment recovery. Patients may experience transient redness, sensitivity to heat, and some tenderness in the treated area, which typically resolve within a few hours or a day. The recovery process is further simplified as there is no special care required post-procedure, aside from staying well hydrated for 4 days after the treatment for better results, particularly if the treatment area is on the body and not the face.

Light physical activity post-treatment is also encouraged to help with lymphatic flow, which can be beneficial for recovery. To protect the treated skin, proper SPF lotion is highly recommended, and excessive heat exposure like saunas, lasers, or intense pulsed light treatments should be avoided. With these simple post-treatment recovery instructions, Exilis ensures you can quickly return to your daily routines without any hassle.

Before & After Photos


Comparing Exilis to Other Skin Tightening Treatments

  • When comparing Exilis to Morpheus 8, the former offers a pain-free experience during treatment, prioritizing patient comfort. On the other hand, Morpheus 8, while being minimally invasive, can cause discomfort, redness, and swelling as a result of micro-needling.

    Nevertheless, both Exilis and Morpheus 8 deliver noticeable skin tightening results. Yet, Exilis provides a more comfortable patient experience, making it a preferable choice for many. Hence, it’s clear that while both treatments offer promising results, Exilis stands out for its patient-centered approach.

  • Exilis skin tightening and Cryoskin Cryotoning are two distinct methods for enhancing skin appearance and body contouring, each offering unique advantages. Exilis employs radiofrequency technology to stimulate collagen production and reduce fat, resulting in tighter, more youthful skin. It's known for its versatility and effectiveness across various body areas, providing comprehensive skin tightening and contouring benefits. On the other hand, Cryoskin Cryotoning uses cold therapy to promote lymphatic drainage, improve circulation, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. While both treatments can lead to noticeable aesthetic improvements, Exilis excels in overall skin rejuvenation and firming, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking comprehensive skin tightening results, whereas Cryoskin Cryotoning may be preferred for those primarily targeting cellulite reduction and body sculpting.

  • Exilis skin tightening and Pico laser treatments are both popular options for enhancing skin tone and texture, but they differ in their mechanisms and targeted outcomes. Exilis utilizes radiofrequency technology to stimulate collagen production and reduce fat, resulting in firmer, more youthful-looking skin. It's effective for various areas of the body and is known for its versatility and ability to address multiple concerns simultaneously. On the other hand, Pico laser treatments focus on improving skin pigmentation irregularities, acne scars, and fine lines through targeted laser energy pulses. While both treatments can deliver significant aesthetic improvements, Exilis excels in overall skin rejuvenation and body contouring, making it a comprehensive solution for those seeking holistic skin tightening results.

  • Exilis skin tightening and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments are two distinct approaches to improving skin appearance, each with unique benefits. Exilis employs radiofrequency technology to enhance collagen production and reduce fat, resulting in tighter, more youthful skin. It's versatile and effective for various areas of the body, offering comprehensive skin tightening and body contouring benefits. On the other hand, IPL utilizes broad-spectrum light to target specific skin concerns such as sun damage, age spots, and vascular lesions. While IPL can improve skin tone and texture, it's not primarily focused on skin tightening or body contouring. Therefore, individuals seeking overall skin rejuvenation and firming may find Exilis to be a more suitable option, whereas those targeting specific pigmentation or vascular issues may opt for IPL treatments.

  • When comparing Exilis to Exiion, Exilis Ultra 360 stands out as a non-invasive skin tightening treatment focused on firming and tightening the skin. Exiion, in contrast, is more invasive as it incorporates micro-needling along with skin tightening, leading to some redness and downtime during the healing process.

    The choice between Exiion and Exilis would therefore depend on the individual’s skin concerns. While Exiion might be suitable for more extensive skin issues, Exilis is optimal for targeted, non-invasive skin tightening. Thus, Exilis’s non-invasive approach and effective results make it a preferred choice for many seeking a comfortable and efficient skin tightening treatment.

women celebrating her rf and ultrasound treatment results

Complimentary Consultation

Our team is dedicated to understanding your unique goals and crafting personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs. During your consultation, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your concerns, ask questions, and explore the possibilities offered by our cutting-edge treatments. We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge and confidence as they embark on their aesthetic journey. Book your free consultation here today and take the first step towards achieving your desired results with the guidance of our skilled professionals.


  • Exilis Ultra 360 is an advanced non-invasive aesthetic treatment that combines radiofrequency and ultrasound technologies to target skin tightening, body contouring, and fat reduction.

  • Exilis Ultra 360 delivers controlled heating to the skin's deeper layers using radiofrequency energy, stimulating collagen production and promoting skin tightening. Additionally, ultrasound energy is utilized to selectively target and break down fat cells, aiding in body contouring and sculpting.

  • Yes, Exilis Ultra 360 is FDA-cleared and considered safe for use in skin tightening and fat reduction treatments. It is a non-invasive procedure that does not require anesthesia or downtime.

  • Exilis Ultra 360 is versatile and can effectively treat various areas of the body, including the face, neck, arms, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and more.

  • During a treatment session, a handheld device will be gently applied to the targeted areas. You may experience a warming sensation as the device delivers controlled heating to the skin. Most sessions last between 20 to 50 minutes, depending on the treatment area.

  • The number of treatments needed varies depending on individual goals and the areas being treated. Typically, a series of 4 to 6 sessions spaced 1 to 2 weeks apart is recommended for best results.

  • Some patients may notice improvements after the first treatment, with progressive results becoming more apparent over the following weeks as collagen production continues and fat reduction occurs. Optimal results are usually seen a few months after completing the recommended treatment series.

  • Side effects are minimal and temporary, with some patients experiencing mild redness or swelling in the treated area, which typically resolves within a few hours to days. It is a safe and well-tolerated procedure for most individuals.

  • Exilis Ultra 360 may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions or pregnant women. It is essential to undergo a thorough consultation with a qualified provider to determine candidacy and discuss any potential risks or contraindications.

  • Exilis results can last around 2 years or more, making it a remarkable solution with long-lasting outcomes.

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