3 Skincare Services Ideal for That New Year New You

3 Skincare Services Ideal for That New Year New You

What better way to start the new year than with healthy skin? Every new year comes with the opportunity and motivation to improve your life. Enhancing your skin can do just that in many ways, from boosting your confidence to reducing discomfort and irritation. With a couple of facials and skin treatments, you can achieve your skin goals and transform yourself. Get ready for the new year with skin services ideal for that “new year, new you” look and feel.

Chemical Peels: Start the New Year With Fresh Skin

Chemical peels offer the perfect opportunity for a fresh start on your skincare journey. While physical exfoliants work by manually scrubbing away dead skin cells, chemical exfoliants operate on a different level.

Chemical exfoliants use active ingredients like Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs), or Poly Hydroxy Acids (PHAs) to gently dissolve the bonds that hold the dead skin cells to your skin’s surface. Once the chemicals break these bonds, you or your esthetician can easily remove the dead skin, revealing the younger, healthier skin underneath. Removing dead skin cells makes room for new skin cells to rise to the surface, which makes room at the bottom of the epidermis for more cell turnover. Undergoing a chemical peel allows you to start the new year with fresh, smooth, and glowing skin.

LED Light Therapy: Say Goodbye to Scars of the Past

LED light therapy has gained popularity in recent years. This skincare treatment uses specific light wavelengths to target various skin concerns. Different light waves offer varying results.

Blue LED light is excellent for acne-prone skin, as it kills bacteria that cause breakouts. Red LED light, on the other hand, can help with wrinkles, fine lines, and scars by stimulating collagen production. LED light therapy is non-invasive, painless, and requires no downtime, making it an ideal treatment for those with a busy schedule.

Hydrafacials: Achieve All Your Skin Goals in One Go

Consider the hydrafacial for an indulgent, revitalizing, and all-encompassing skin treatment. This multi-step procedure cleanses, exfoliates, and hydrates your skin, leaving it healthy, youthful, and glowing. The hydrafacial is especially known for its vortex-fusion delivery system, which infuses the skin with beneficial serums.

Depending on the serums your esthetician uses, you can target a variety of skin concerns, from fine lines and wrinkles to environmental damage and hyperpigmentation. The hydrafacial is a gentle, non-invasive treatment suitable for all skin types, and its unique design ensures that the skin absorbs the serums fully for optimal benefits. At Rejuvcryo, our facial services include multiple hydrafacial variations that target antioxidation, hydration, and anti-aging treatments.

These three skin services are ideal for that “new year, new you” look and feel. No matter your skin goals or struggles, these skin services offer effective solutions that can greatly improve your skin health and confidence in many ways. With a little self-investment, you’ll be on your way to healthier, happier skin in no time!

Jacob Hulcer