Best Practices & Recommendations Celluma Biophotonic Therapy at RejuvCryo Encinitas

Celluma Use Acne/Wrinkles-Instructions

  • For optimal results, it is important to use the Celluma on a regular basis.

  • Acne protocol is 3 times a week, unless directed otherwise by your physician.

  • Please record your usage.

  •  Phototherapy is very safe.If you wish, you may use Celluma everyday.

  • The more often Celluma is used,the faster you may see results.

  • Important: Place Celluma as close as possible to the area being treated–the closer the better.

  • Use Celluma over clean, dry, bare skin only.

  • Remove any sunblock, make-up, lotions, moisturizers, or clothing which may act as a barrier.

  • Use Celluma on the Acne/Wrinkle program for the full 30 minutes. 

  • Celluma will automatically switch off at the end of the 30 minutes.

  • Celluma can be used on different areas of the body in the same day.

  • When treating the face, try to raise the head so the face is as close as possible to the Celluma.

  • Use the safety goggles provided.

  • To treat the face: Place head on small pillow or folded towel. Wrap Celluma around head and tuck ends under pillow or towel. b. Tent over face. This position works better if the head is resting on a pillow or folder towel which raises the face closer to the lights.

Celluma Use Instructions -Pain

  • For best results follow these tips and recommendations:

  • Phototherapy is very safe, you may use the Celluma as often as you wish.

  • The more Celluma is used the faster you may see results.

  • In the beginning, use Celluma once or twice daily if possible (morning and evening).

  • Celluma can be used on many different areas of the body in the same day.

  • Place Celluma as close as possible to the area you wish to treat. 

  • There are usually several ways to use Celluma on the same area, be creative.

  • Many body areas can be treated while in a seated position, including feet.a.To treat feet, sit comfortably in an upright chair. Place Celluma on the floor in front of you and let feet rest gently on top of the device. b.Lay Celluma over top of feet. Make sure your weight is being carried by the chair. Do not place weight on the Celluma. Do not stand on Celluma.

  • To treat the back:a.Sit in a chair with Celluma wrapped horizontally around back, or placed vertically over the spine.b.Lay face-down with Celluma wrapped horizontally around back, or placed vertically over the spine.