TREATING HYPERPIGMENTATION WITH HYDRAFACIALS - Encinitas - Carlsbad - La - Costa - San - Diego - RejuvCryo - Facials Near Me


If you’ve been looking for the best hyperpigmentation treatment, then you may have also started searching for a hydrafacial near me, many people struggle with hyperpigmentation and have tried countless treatments without seeing any results. That is where we can help. With our team’s extensive skincare treatment experience, they have the knowledge to help you correct your hyperpigmentation and regain your confidence!


Finding and Understanding the Best Hyperpigmentation Treatment

Hyperpigmentation is a condition that many people are dealing with every day. It can leave you feeling self-conscious as well as looking older than you actually are. The leading cause of this condition is melanin, which is supposed to act as a defense for your skin by protecting your cells against stress that can damage them. Hyperpigmentation may not appear right away, so it can be hard to determine what exactly causes your condition. No matter why or how you get, hyperpigmentation finding a hydrafacial near me could help alleviate some of the problems from your skin! 


A Hydrafacial is a medical-grade treatment that uses a combination of serums, vitamins, and oils to clean your pores out. The facial will also work to hydrate your skin, leaving it appearing refreshed and rejuvenated. The procedure is composed of four different steps that work to clean out all dirt and impurities from your face. The first step of the process serums is used to cleanse your entire face. Then your facialist will work to exfoliate your skin to get rid of any dead skin cells that are stagnant on the surface. After, the professional will work to extract any dirt that has settled in your pores. Finally, serums and vitamins will be applied to hydrate your skin. These serums will also be put into your pores with a pen-like device to help prevent dirt from building up again. The reason this treatment is effective for treating hyperpigmentation is that it is a physical and chemical exfoliation procedure. The vitamins and minerals that are used during the process help lessen the effects of hyperpigmentation. It is suggested by professionals that you have more than one Hydrafacial to get the best results because a series overtime will help you have continuous results, but you will see immediate results after just one treatment. 


When a Hyrdrafacial is used to treat hyperpigmentation, there is a specialized process that is followed. The Pigmentation Reduction Hydrafacial involved seven different steps to help detoxify the skin, remove dead cells, extract dirt, and provide hydration. Serums with collagen and vitamin D are administered during the treatment with infrared LED lights. Also, the Zo Skin Brightalive Vortex-Booster that is used is clinically tested and proven to reduce the appearance of brown marks on the skin. It is created to awaken dull skin and leave you with a glowing appearance. The steps involved in this facial are detox, cleansing and exfoliating, brightening, extraction, britenol boost, hydration, and finally rejuvenation.